The peoples court

The peoples court.

What is the story with The peoples court.

Marie45834611 @WSJ the UniParty will crush the Trump. The Peoples Court must put the Trump in jail. Saint Soros using an angel army of DAs from the pit will blow the 'trumpets' and destroy the anti-Party hooligans. one land one people one Party salvation-praise the Soros
808HIGaming1 @Cute_Idiot only thing i can suggest and this is based on watching the peoples court. is to check if you have any pre-move in pics on standby. just in case if the landlord finds "something" to hold onto you security deposit. idk if you have good landlord so. d The Twitter thing to help promote my videos on Youtube gaming channel. I'm Kevin and hope you have an #awesome #day! #Peace
HollyQuinn30248 30248 Judge Mathis' after 20 years and 'The Peoples' Court' as after 22 years to end. Both shows have been cancelled 🌴Hugger #SaveOurPlanet 😻🐈🧶🧵💙 #StopAnimalAbuse #StopYulin #StopBoknal #Justice4All #AdoptDontShop🕊️👩‍🦼🚂😇 #EmptyTheTanks ⛔NoDM 🛑
Horror_Fan_X199 @WBHomeEnt Why the hell would you cancel Judge Mathis and The Peoples Court?????
miknoooo North West, England @MoulanaOfficial Come to the peoples court and that is called election. You will get your back side whipped and not a single seat!! Try it dare you. Big Shettan
ProudCentrist2 @JoJoFromJerz By Now, It is abundantly clear that Republican Law Makers will NEVER enact sensible gun legislation. The Ball is Now in the Peoples Court. To save our Children and ourselves, we Must vote Republicans OUT of office ! YES, this includes Your Reps !!!
SqueezeShorty @atrupar The Peoples Court in action. He’s guilty! AND he’s guilty! And he’s guilty! This is what passes for legislating these days in the House GOP @HouseGOP Retail Investor. Here to listen. In the game to win it. I use my own unique method of Stock Chart Tecnical Analysis: PWC = Prescriptive Wishful Charting
CraigNe79530816 San Jose, CA @AnnieForTruth 😳 uh oh that's gonna cost them.”the peoples court viewers and pretty much in jeopardy of losing all the incest couples in Alabama and Texas and Florida too 😃 Three guys talking Baseball on the Podcast @thewintermeetings co hosts Tony Gladstone, myself and former NY Yankee’s pitcher Stefan Wever.
JackMic11633310 @madbofo @AnthonyCumia Search this term probate corruption in your state or county or go visit your probate court to see how your public servant judge treats people in we the peoples court room. U probably won’t by I urge u to bc do it for your grandparents parents yourself and your Kids if u havethem Try to be alert and available
HeeverSusan Auckland, New Zealand @realstewpeters Yes...and all who support this should be prosecuted by the peoples Court. Only walk in truth kindness and compassion..but don't see this as a weakness..its strength. I fear nobody but Elohim.
DuncanMuchiri @taibalitaib Taib matters are beyond IEBC and the SCORK. They are now in the peoples Court which is the final institution of arbitration. Kenyans are tired of elections and change of guards in musical chairs game. Jesus Christ or Prophet Mohammed were not democrats. Yet they both have the
Peoples_Pundit Florida, USA This guy was once nominated to be a justice on the Supreme Court AND media portrayed him as a fair, middle of the road guy. Director @BigDataPoll and host of 'Inside the Numbers'. Opinions are my own. Data don't lie. People do. Love @LauraBaris and my kids.
SERAPNigeria Lagos Nigeria The court ruled that Section 24 of Nigeria’s Cybercrime Act is inconsistent and incompatible with Article 9 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights and Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights to which Nigeria is a state party. SERAP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, legal & advocacy org. devoted to promoting transparency, accountability & respect for socio-economic rights in Nigeria.
SERAPNigeria Lagos Nigeria In the suit number ECW/CCJ/APP/09/19 brought by SERAP, the ECOWAS Court ordered the Buhari’s government to repeal section 24 of Cybercrime Act by deleting the provisions, consistent with Nigeria’s obligation under Article 1 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights. SERAP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, legal & advocacy org. devoted to promoting transparency, accountability & respect for socio-economic rights in Nigeria.
Marie45834611 @WSJ the UniParty will crush the Trump. The Peoples Court must put the Trump in jail. Saint Soros using an angel army of DAs from the pit will blow the 'trumpets' and destroy the anti-Party hooligans. one land one people one Party salvation-praise the Soros
afewpoints Durham @LeftBehindPoet @GeoffBarton9 @Davidmetroland @bringiton8712 @just2sayin @ChrisEv06631592 @bonarlaw1923 @boomer_ish @musicalbounce @The_Leaver @MattAdkin @cathyby @Begentle50 @1ainTro11sBots @CSY10111 @David19531501 @Claesson_Kate @Bellagio_bound @LitespeedBlue @viv_cooper @lordgmanilson @Michael80789776 @CharlieCarlsbad @alison_stewart5 @rec777777 @Martin020455 @987_charles @bromhome @Charlie_Orignal @crikeyolson @Musc1esbri2 @Stephen1010102 @PhoneyItalian @somechewlip @David_Vaporium @gibberingloudly @Marmaduke036 @MaddyMcManous @of_flocks @N1geTro115T1ts @damienXTR @RicoCharpentier @JohnRya13591294 @thefactroom @CREWTIGER @mindedmusically @StephenHuw @Edwardaardvark @fcukBrexit @SuellaBraverman It's not about human rights. It never was. It's about control. I don't see the court doing anything about the censoring or peoples numan right to free speech. In fact they are trying to do it on all social platforms, and have in the past. To insanity & beyond. Cynic. Expect Irony, Sarcasm & Dark HUMOUR. If Easily Offended, Don't bother reading and Replying. That would make you stupid. Right?👍
Moondorgg Earth @unapologetic_w It is in tbe interest of the supreme court judges to give a fair judgment and return the peoples mandate. They should take a cue from the Abia state professor who resisted them with their threats and money and announced @alexottiofr the peoples choice. PO stan, 30% human and 70% spirit. Proudly OBIdient.
WallStreetApes United States of Corruption @Therik3434 @WassimM22907961 Infinite amounts of debt could been paid off if he had went to court against the fraud that drove down the share price. Billions of shares have been sold and that money doesn’t go to AMC because they are PFOF IOU placeholders in peoples accounts, money goes straight to market… Main Account Banned. WEF Conspiracy Theorist. Fighting Financial Fraud. Dumb Money. Followed By @DonaldjTrumpJr 🇺🇸 @unusual_whales 🐋 & $APE $AMC @CEOAdam 🍿
debba466 @jules_vision @MRobertsQLD Agree to some extent but these cookers have been living the high life off other peoples money for 3 years now and those that donate are too gullible to realise it. Look at Dave oneegs, in court for fraud, but having multiple overseas holidays on grifted money. Just living my best life
terrycameron21 Dallas, TX @laurenboebert You are a forking moron. You failed 4 GED tests. You know absolutely nothing about climate change. The only thing you seem to focus on are keeping assault weapons in peoples hands thar they don’t belong in. Focus on your kid getting to court and passing his GED exam
Andreafreedom76 USA @POTUS I refuse to be forced to pay other peoples student loans. Hope the Supreme Court rules appropriately and the Republicans stick to their guns on the student loan forgiveness. American Constitutionalist, equal opportunity, equal application of law, limited government, Pro-life, peace, limited foreign intervention
LibrynM Roodepoort, South Africa @RasLera But those in court room are not the same people who did the horrible thing to our grand parents,and also who killed peoples in 1976 I am humble and good listener ❄❄🌞🌞❄❄ email
CuriousLiberty @Gerashchenko_en By order of the 'wise' Russian Federation Court, the USSR and the Warsaw pact are hereby reinstated....... Sorry free peoples of eastern Europe "all your base are belong to us"... willing to wager that a majority of the russian people would believe and welcome such a story..
Peoples_powerr #RahulGhandi What a propaganda and on What ? It's Obvious that Disqualified member of parliament by the parliament and Court have to vaccant the Alloted Residence. It's not personal property. Rules are for All Dynasty privilege is not Acceptable in Democracy
noninjaskillz @P_Kallioniemi @KimDotcom If I were a gambler, I would bet it's more likely that he tries to tear off your leg to deep fry and eat than he could actually win any sort of relief in Court. Dude "made" all his money on the backs of other peoples' IP and thinks he's a genius I do things, I want things, I think about things, I consider different perspectives and possible outcomes. You might accuse me of being human
RogerRo47410906 @HawleyMO Should be delt with american peoples court, and tax pays his salary kick his bottom to the curb along with the rest of the crooks when will this BS be stopped!!!!!!!!
gregsull @ZaleskiLuke @VivekGRamaswamy You are just a troll. Unbelievable!!! He didn’t say anything that can even compare to what the Democrats said that incited the riots that destroyed property and peoples lives and the assassination attempt on a Supreme Court Judge. You’re a hypocrite!
Ka81 Davenham, England @tombennett71 I do I loathe it. I'm not there for that and I hated the experience of it. Ruined a few classes for me entirely. When your going through therapy and court last thing you need is to deal with more peoples questions and macabre ones are unfortunately common. I talked to a… Data scientist. Educator. Maker. PhD 📚@UclanEng in #digitalisation. Founder #Makefest. Multiple award-winning teacher #Tes #Bima100. Insights #Edu #Tech #AuDHD
adeamooa1 Lagos, Nigeria @g7devices @walejagabani @iamdlaw2 We don't even ready to attend the court again becus we are in power already and no time to check time. Maybe u should ask Obidients peoples its on their head 🗣️🗣️ than anyone, na them dey forward in cases wahala.... wahala wahala wahala wahala wahala. Eid Mubarak 🤚🤚🤚 With many wife's, children in Islamdeena
annafbeswick @fanoonman @GoldingBF person x did something on different occasions previously and was in court. People attending the clinic where this took place were the target of x's protest, x did violate peoples rights to attend this clinic. Maybe not fabrication bending the real story behind the actual one. Rescued Hens for 10 yrs,against any form animal cruelty/abuse +factory animals, against big corps/GMO, Big NO to shale oil/gas extraction NO LISTS/DM #blocked
PeterRHann1 @Haremmaster @ScottC_200 Where in my original post did I indicate anything about the vote? I was simply noting the next court date is April 25th and Ape may find a bid because the timing might change peoples expectations. I will never ask how your trading is going. I don't have Telegram. Will not invite you to Discord. No Crypto trading! Copy that into your profile fakes.
808HIGaming1 @Cute_Idiot only thing i can suggest and this is based on watching the peoples court. is to check if you have any pre-move in pics on standby. just in case if the landlord finds "something" to hold onto you security deposit. idk if you have good landlord so. d The Twitter thing to help promote my videos on Youtube gaming channel. I'm Kevin and hope you have an #awesome #day! #Peace
BasuAshis Canada “Justice Marie-Andrée Vermette of Ontario superior court issued a decision on Tuesday that found that while both young people and Indigenous peoples bear the brunt of climate change, government failures to react were not a breach of their rights.” Knowledge is Power. Share It.
TruPointOh edge of reason Oh and the ethics violations, is nothing for a Supreme Court justice in some peoples minds. Bean counter, married to an NYC RN, Political affiliation; #whatareyoudoingwithmyforkingmoney
JohnnyBeBad17Q @NoSpinPolitics @lenoretaylor High Court is a corrupt unconstitutional registered corporation. They won't determine anything which favours the peoples Constitutional Commonwealth powers and rights. If the sheep haven't worked that out yet, it will be too late after those rights are removed.
Clemyz4 #FreeMaziNnamdiKanuNow .the leader of indigenous peoples of Biafra,a prisoner of conscience, who has been discharged and acquitted @MBuhari obey court order Because I rule my world,this little spark of light of mine ,will keep shinning unto a perfect day
davidma26683929 @FoxNews Congratulations to the US Supreme Court for making a sensible decision for the American peoples. This is a woman and her Doctors deciding, and not for the State. Awesome stunning news. Cheers. Am Am from Aotearoa.
LeafLee6 Milwaukee, WI @thedonofyreka @ElsieHaney44 And he got Clarence on the Supreme Court after yelling at Anita hill and hmmm what’s going on I. The news w Clarence these days huh?Lmao A million other horrific reasons Biden was an unfit monster from the beginning 2stop Bernie who actually had real peoples support,not bot farms Chronically ill,writhing in pain. Autistic🧶 #medicareforall #greenNewDeal Cats #BLM Anarcho #greenParty #notmeus 4ever #hellscapeAnatomy #LeftistArtistMarket
J_Eagle01 @WoutervGasteren @Rosary2A @IMThreeper @Peoples_Pundit They obviously weren't. He said he was going to and he did. He was the only president who appointed only supreme court justices who would vote to entirely overturn it. Every president before him appointed justices who wouldn't vote to overturn Roe.
toyinid78 Mecca @DailyLoud Just get to be someone in life and stop gossiping about peoples life , so someone will take you to court that you are the father of their kids....... If lil baby was a church rat will she keep the baby🤣🤣🤣🤣 Critics, Instructor,Inventor,Artist, Teacher and more
Patrick13369301 @MarshaBlackburn Find out why don’t you. Take em to court. Prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. And get back to work doing the peoples business. But know this…what’s good for the goose, is good for the gander. Going through this journey, doing the best I can, just like you
HollyQuinn30248 30248 Judge Mathis' after 20 years and 'The Peoples' Court' as after 22 years to end. Both shows have been cancelled 🌴Hugger #SaveOurPlanet 😻🐈🧶🧵💙 #StopAnimalAbuse #StopYulin #StopBoknal #Justice4All #AdoptDontShop🕊️👩‍🦼🚂😇 #EmptyTheTanks ⛔NoDM 🛑
Tuko_co_ke Nairobi, Kenya Naked truth! Sharing other peoples' intimate photos and videos on the internet without their permission could leave you broke or leave you behind bars for 2 years. Reposting naked photos of individuals, even if unknown to you is also criminal. #tukonews The most popular and trusted news website in Kenya 🇰🇪 Follow us for all trending news! ✉️
paulnelsonn @Peoples_Pundit @MZHemingway He is so butthurt about not getting the Supreme Court nod a while back that he cannot help himself. He hates trump and all repubs
RealCOASTMAN Nigeria @PeterObi @EmekaIhedioha Democratic development in the 21st century depend largely on the character of the national leadership. And this is why Nigerians massively voted for me. We would take back the peoples mandate at court inshallah. -PO. A Firm Believer Of One NIGERIA || Lecturer || International Relations.
EndFuelPoverty UK c.35,000 electricity & 27,700 gas customers have payments deducted from the benefits they need to survive on and passed straight to #energy firms - without a proper assessment of how it impacts their lives. @HelsTimson is fighting this in court next week! The End Fuel Poverty Coalition campaigns for energy efficient homes, decent incomes and low cost energy for low income households.
wyo_susan Terra @Oozingbison @CovertGoat @SpeakerMcCarthy And gerrymandering is a thing, they would not control the house but for that Fact. The peoples house is being run by the minority, ie less over all votes then dems. They only won because they cheat (see Ohio, state court struck down GM, but Rs ignored court). I'm a lifelong Wyoming resident and progressive (yes we exist). I'm not a troll or a bot.
RealNdJohn @pmnewsnigeria God bless @MBuhari I deduce this means the SUPREME COURT, will be knowledgeable enough to return the peoples mandate to @PeterObi and allow JUSTICE to have its course in @officialABAT's CAMP. THAT'S HOW FREE & FAIR OUGHT TO BE. IGNORANCE IS NOT AN EXCUSE. BARKA DE SALLAH
Charles70959874 North East, England @GBNEWS you keep tell us you are the peoples channel a voice for the ordinary everyday person so tells us were is Nick Brown and why the cover up has the Labour Party taken out a court injunction so the media don’t talk is this another kiddie fiddling cover up Newcastle United fan politically homeless yet a member of the
Peoples_Pundit Florida, USA This guy was once nominated to be a justice on the Supreme Court AND media portrayed him as a fair, middle of the road guy. Director @BigDataPoll and host of 'Inside the Numbers'. Opinions are my own. Data don't lie. People do. Love @LauraBaris and my kids.